IT Consulting
IT Consulting Services
Nieto’s IT Consulting practice walks clients through every step of the IT Life Cycle to create a solution within budget. With exceptional customer service and communications skills we will dissect the issue at hand and provide multiple options.
Best Practice for Effective Solutions
- Identify the issue – Identify and document each issue we are trying to solve and ensure it is the right problem.
- Identify Interest – Understand and document each parties interest to insure to find the right solution.
- Prioritize – We will prioritize each issue and clearly document critical vs non critical.
- Research – We will research your industry, customers, competitors, and existing solutions in priority established.
- Solutions and Options – We will develop options and pricing for each solution.
- Goals & KPI’s – We will develop KPI’s using S.M.A.R.T. Goals
- Specific – Each issue, solution, and goal will be specific
- Measurable – We will establish a way to measure each goal is being met.
- Attainable or Assignable – Ensure each goal is acceptable and worth the effort and cost and who will be responsible.
- Relevant or Realistic – Ensure the goal will really achieve a solution to your issue.
- Timely – Ensure timeline is realistic and worth the money.
- Implementation – We will implement each solution.
- Test and Measure – Each solution will be tested and measured.
- Monitoring – We will establish a way to monitor each solution to ensure goals are met.
- Maintenance – We will establish a maintenance program.
Nieto’s IT Consulting Services won’t leave you alone after this. We will continue to work with your team as needed or take over management of each solution.